Thursday, November 13, 2008

Rory Kennedy

Yesterday there was a speech by Rory Kennedy. She makes documentaries about social aspects of life. I found it very interesting, especial when she talked about the film she made about Helen Thomas at the White House. She told us that (I believe) Helen said that journalism (whether online or not) really is the fourth brange of government in the checks and balance system. Since it is the task of journalism to ask the difficult questions about policy. I think that was a very interesting view and I sort of agree with her. But this does pose the question that was asked in class as well: Who should be the journalists? Should there only be journalism from professionals, journalism that is censored by editors? Or should everybody be allowed to be a journalist? The danger with that is however that it might become (as Brandon said) a wikipedia, where anybody could say anything.

Merel van Helden

1 comment:

BG said...

I am glad to see a post in regards to the Rory Kennedy speech. Unfortunately I was not able to attend. Journalism is very much the fourth branch of government. It is the unwritten/unofficial additional check that keeps the government in balance. Merel's point of credibility is important to consider. Journalism can be self-directed and should that be deemed credible or professional? Should there be a line drawn between citizen and professional journalism?