Sunday, November 16, 2008

work now play later?

Work. Work. Work.
That's what America is all about. The more we can get done the better. work work's ingrained in us. BG mentioned in his blog: "The concept of productivity is highly Americanized in our culture." I completely agree with that statement. It's as though we are trying to find the quickest, most efficient ways to accomplish tasks, and then instead of using the time we gain to relax , we instead take on more tasks. Why have we become a nation of workaholics? Why is relaxation time not guaranteed on a daily basis?...something's got to give...if you want to have one, you can't have the other. I'm not saying everyone is like this but for the most part i feel like America's an uptight nation. To kick back and relax isn't as easy as it used to be. I for one try to balance my work with play. I think it's essential to kick back and relax but I also recognize the importance of getting my work done. I prioritize and with that said, sometimes work isn't my first priority...Play often is, and I'm still successful. To me success isn't just about accomplishing a ton of stuff,... success is getting things done but still having 'me' time. Me time -however you may spend it- is crucial. What good is success if you can't even enjoy it because you are too stressed out or uptight? The way i see it...Life's all about moderation and balance..if you can maintain a balance between work and play and still accomplish everyday tasks then i consider that successful.


1 comment:

Tesekkür ederim said...

America is definitely full of workaholics and I feel the pressure all the time that I need to be doing something productive. I agree that having 'me' time is crucial to my day because without it I would go nuts. I can't imagine working so much that I don't even have the time to watch a little TV or whatever. I think being workaholics in the past century is what boosted America to a world power, so its not that bad of a thing.
