Tuesday, October 28, 2008

feeling connected through the internet

This was an interesting quote that I found that relates to how people feel connected to the campaign because of the internet.

"Yet despite the growth in the number of people who are politically engaged online, internet users express some ambivalence about the role of the internet in the campaign. On one hand, 28% of wired Americans say that the internet makes them feel more personally connected to the campaign, and 22% say that they would not be as involved in the campaign if not for the internet. At the same time, however, even larger numbers feel that the internet magnifies the most extreme viewpoints and is a source of misinformation for many voters." PEW report


1 comment:

BG said...

It is important to realize the affects the internet has in terms of misinformation. Like we discussed in class, the gap of useless jargon is widening on the internet. Will the internet eventually get to the point in which it is a backup source not taken into consideration by scholars and academics?