Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Class Reflection - 9.16.08

I enjoyed the beginning of class and I thought it was helpful how Prof. Dean discussed what will be coming in the next few weeks. Knowing what is to come is helpful for me. I typically plan out my week with how much work I have and reading I have to do. Since we don't have a syllabus, having Prof. Dean give the class a little outline like she did helped a lot. 

Then the class formed four or five groups to talk about the reading and develop five important concepts we thought the author was trying to convey in the beginning of the book. I attempted to start my group in discussion but I could not find the right words for what I wanted to say, so my thoughts did not come out the right way.  Our group worked OK I thought. I was not as vocal as I usually am in groups. I took the back-seat. I felt uncomfortable because I was not with my normal group. In the group discussion today in class, I felt there was some tension for some reason. Maybe because some members had different opinions? Not sure.  I wish I could have been more talkative though. It was not because I was not prepared but I guess I was not comfortable in the group I was in.  I think I am use to the people in my group blog and they understand me. I am not great at formulating my opinions with words. I know that sounds lame, but it takes me a while and the students in my group blog more times than not know what I am trying to say. Formulating my opinions is something I am working on and I think that blogging is helping, so that is positive.

The questions at the end of the class were interesting and developed some interesting discussion among the class.  The privacy issue is a pretty interesting topic. Many people have very different opinions, which is understandable. I would like that conversation we had at the end of class to continue. I felt like some people, including myself, wanted to say a few more things but the time ran out!

Overall, I think this class was productive and very informative. I enjoy the book we are reading. I think it develops great class discussion because there is so much to talk about. 



J said...

Sam--I agree; I hope that a lot of the themes that came up at the end of the class will come up in the next couple of discussions about the book. It's important that we get the different perspectives and positions out there on the table so that we can all consider them.

Suits said...

Sam..I definitely agree with you on this and felt the same exact way in my group. I also took the backseat because I had very different opinions in my group, and with the entire class in general. I hope we continue with the discussion from today because I never really had the chance to verbalize the fact that I'm really not concerned about being monitored.

JColburn1 said...

Mr. Sam-

As a member of your group I find it troubling that you felt uncomfortable in our group. I think you were the first person to speak on the main point of false promise and false sense of participation, which proved to be our central them of main points. I hope that next time you are in a group with me you feel more comfortable. I thought I was on the same page as you in class, but I could be wrong.

On another note I agree with you that this book offers many perspectives and arguments to be shared. This idea of surveillance and monitoring is interesting and I am curious to see where it goes from here.