Monday, September 29, 2008

Sam the Teacher

When I was thinking about what to teach on Tuesday for class I had a few ideas. My first idea was to teach about blogs. The reason why I thought about teaching about blogs was because I felt like a majority of the class did not know a lot about blogs before they took this class. Now that the entire class has thrown themselves into the blogging world, I thought there may still be a few people that are confused by some concepts of blogs and how they work. I know myself that sometimes I get overwhelmed with what you can do on a blog. I find something new everything I sign in. Due to that reason, I thought there may be a few people in class that still want to learn more about blogs, the history of blogging and some concepts that surround how blogs operate. I was planning on going through some of the links from the "resource" list on Locationf8. Although I still may do something relating to teaching about blogs, I found a new concept that I am interested in and I think others will be.

The history of the internet. There is a link on the "resource" list on Locationf8 that I will use. I think this will be interesting for a few reasons. I never really took time to investigate the logistics of how the internet began. I feel like there are some interesting concepts that went into the development of the internet and I am unaware of. Overall, I think this may be an interesting topic of discussion. What was your first encounter with the internet? What did you look at the first time you used the internet? Where do you see the internet going in years to come? I hope this may develop into a interesting discussion about the internet. I can only hope.


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