Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Who is really reading this post...?

Recently there has been some posts  discussing a specific issue pertaining to the class conversation on Tuesday. People in the class feel that Internet patrolling is invading their privacy and is outright weird. Since the beginning, I have said I have nothing to worry about so someone can look up whatever they would like.  I am not hiding anything. As long as someone does not get ahold of my social security number, credit card number or any other important information, I am fine with it. 

What's to worry?!

My question to all the people who are not on the same page as me. If you are afraid of people looking at information you have online, is it because you are trying to hide something? I say I have nothing to hide because I have not put anything on the internet that would cause controversy. If you are a classmate who thinks your privacy is being invaded and can't believe someone can look at everything you do online, what is it that is online that you don't want people to see?

So do you classmates have something to hide? If you are trying to hide something, why would you put it online? If you have personal information that you don't want to be seen, then I don't know why you would want to put it on the internet, especially since you know people can see it. That also implies to something that is controversial. Why would you want to put yourself in jeopardy of getting in trouble for something you put online. If I have controversial thoughts or something I want to write about, I will make a journal and write my feelings out on paper. Not post it on the internet. 

To me, the reason why you put it into the cyber world is basically because your saying you want people to read it and look at your thoughts on a certain issue. You know someone can look at it and you want them too. I don't fully understand why some people think it is weird that people can look at anything you write online, especially if you have nothing to hide.  To the people who are uncomfortable with putting things online, you suggest to me that you are posting things that are controversial and may cause some problems. So if that is case, then why even write about them online. I am sure you can find another way to get those feelings out in the open without posting them online where someone can patrol them. 

I am open to all comments. I understand I may stirring the pot and please understand that I am not trying to jump on anyone's thoughts or beliefs. I am just interested to hear why you are really concerned with what people see online. What is it that you are worried about?



J said...

provocative post, Sam!

I have a couple of questions: would you distinguish between information someone puts online directly (like on Facebook) from information that comes from being online (clickstream)? Both of these are forms of online information. Also, would you think it ok if all a person's purchases or rentals (say on Amazon, itunes, Netflix) were available to anyone?

What about student information? Would it be ok if students' grades were available for anyone to see?

Anonymous said...

I disagree to a certain extend. I agree is you put something on facebook you don't even have a right to complain about people looking at it. But what about your emails? That is something you think is personal and very specific usually only writing to one person. Also j had a good point what about clickstream, I think that is personal. And purchases. What if you(no intential harm to anyone)were gay and rented for instance gay porn from netflix or had a subscription online. I would imagine for some people that is something they would want to hide if they are not openly gay, or haven't told everyone. That is something very private, that is being shared with others without consent. I think that when posting something on the internet is up for grabs, but emails, clickstreams, and purchases are private matters.

Becky, Sam, Merel, James, Adrienne, Asa said...
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Becky, Sam, Merel, James, Adrienne, Asa said...

but what about if by following someone's click stream we prevent a huge disaster from happening?


J said...

Adrienne, first, no one has made the argument that corporations aggregate online information to prevent something bad from happening; they do it to learn about their customers and to market to them. Second, historically in the US, law enforcement officials had to have a warrant to search someone's property (car, house, office). And the warrants had to be specific; "fishing expeditions" were considered too much of a violation of people's rights of privacy.

Bad things will happen. Everyone we know will die. Governments cannot change that basic fact. Surveilling hundreds of millions of people, then, seems not only a violation of privacy but also a very poor use of government time and resources.

Becky, Sam, Merel, James, Adrienne, Asa said...

You are right…I should have clarified a bit. I realize the comments I commented on were more relevant to corporations and marketing, not so much the government. But still, I was speaking more along the lines of the government. What I was trying to find out was whether or not our class was okay with being trailed by the government but not by corporations or vice versa (being trailed by corporations but not by the government). Or if anyone is strongly opposed to being trailed, regardless of who is gathering their information. Or, if some kids in our class see no problem with this whatsoever.
