Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Reaction - Class 9/9

I came away from class today feeling better about the class and the direction we were heading in.. I like how Prof. Dean lectured in the beginning of the class about the readings. I always learn more about the readings when a professor gives their insight and explains in detail the more important aspects of the material.

The class transitioned into a group discussion about how the class should be set up. I felt some tension among everyone in the class. Should we be in groups? Should we all do our own thing? AH!

The people who spoke had valid points and I understand their rationale. I like how the class got to speak their mind about what subjects they would like to learn more about. I personally would like to learn more about how corporations utilize the internet to benefit their business.  Hoping to jump into the business world next year after graduation, I believe the more I know about the internet and how a corporation utilizes it, the better chance I will become successful. 

Unfortunately, the discussion was cut short by the end of class. I am interested to see what comes in the future and how everyones opinions will be met. I think we got a great head start today. Everyone is different. Everyone wants something different from someone else. I think we can make it work though!



Jen, the Cookie Empress said...

You were so kind to give me comments I will start doing the same. I offer you cyber cookies (hands over)

Sometimes it would be nice if class was longer or if we went straight to discussion.

Coporations utilizing the Internet is a serious issue that will affecting all of us. I can see why'd you want to study it. Soon when we graduate, we may be a part of coporations. What Internet privacy rights can each claim? Some companies moniter keystrokes and look up your entire history-even if you "delete" it. I've read accounts on Snopes and MsnEncarta of peopel who got fired for improper Internet usage. Woah. So let me know what I can't do at work in the future :D

As for the question posed to me- why I would automatically do medicore in groups? In short I have trust and some socialization issues and that resulted after years of emotional abuse. Long story. I don't care to go into it. Although I must admit I find it strange I enjoy sociology after my past?

J said...

Sam, I really appreciate your enthusiasm. I confess that this unconventional class format is challenging for me. Usually, as a professor, I know what to expect. I've determined the syllabus; I've written the lectures all in advance. There are no surprises. The experiment we are all doing together is kinda challenging for me; I have to be willing and able to let go of control, to provide maybe some extra (like today's lecture) but not too much. I don't know how this experiment will unfold. But I do know that I'm completely intrigued by the possibilities of what could happen, and that this means taking risks, and that risks can end up with a misfire from time to time. That scares me.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad your optimistic. I think the class will work out. Personally, I'm really digging this idea of figuring out how to run/work the class. I mean, how often do we get to make such executive decisions?
Sure, Prof. Dean has the final say, but enough of us can petition for something. She mentioned other classes where students took over and even changed the reading material.
I like the open possibilities.