Wednesday, September 17, 2008

What about the Positive side?

I may be going on a side track here, but let me know what you think...

When we discussed criticisms and questions in class on 9/16, I am not completely positive but I think a group wrote something regarding the positive side of the debate on Internet patrolling.  The other night, I was watching the MSNBC television show "To Catch a Predator."  For those of you who do not know the show, its pretty simple. They investigate people who use the Internet to find sex. More times than not, the people who use the Internet to find sex are older people who typically target underage boys and girls. The show sets up a sting in where a young child invites one of these predators to a house and in the end, the police arrest the predator for targeting underage kids for sex. 

My point for bringing this up is to illustrate the positive side of patrolling the Internet. Predators who target young children for sex is completely wrong. It's gross and I get so worked up when I watch the show because I cannot believe the people who do this.  This is a positive example of internet patrolling and how it can be used in a good way. If the authority can find these predators and get ride of them one by one, they are making a difference. That is one more child the authority is helping and I guess, saving from a life changing moment. If there is a person who can know everything about someone and what they are doing online, but help in a positive way to get rid of criminals like sex predators, I think that is beneficial for everyone. 

I may have gone off topic a bit, but it relates to someone knowing everything about what someone else is doing online. 



Suits said...

This is another valid point you make Sam. Like I said before in my other comment, it seems like we are in the same boat. I love watching that show, even though its awful what these people are doing I just can't stop watching it sometimes. This is a perfect example of how monitoring the internet can be a benefit to society.

Becky, Sam, Merel, James, Adrienne, Asa said...

That show was great until one of the potential offenders walked into one of the other rooms in the house on camera and shot himself when he realized he was on the show. That's why there aren't any new episodes.
