Thursday, December 11, 2008

requested YOUTUBE login info

I copied and pasted the original post below:


I made us a class wide email account at gmail. This gmail is the email i used to set up our youtube page. Here is the info...


Password: blogging
Security question: What is the name of your Professor?
Answer: Jodi Dean

Account name: JodisClass
Password: blogging363

Class Presentations: Day 2

I enjoyed the presentations for the most part today. It was unfortunate that computer was not working right away. It really took away from time we could have asked the presenters questions or provide them with any comments. Also, it made the transition from one project to another rushed.

I enjoyed Brandon and John’s presentation about surveillance on the campus of HWS. The video was very well put together from the music and editing options. The beginning and end were pretty neat. I liked how the films you used presented your project and ended the project. The interviews with students seemed professional and serious. It was good to get a vocal viewpoint of people about how safe they feel on campus. I also thought it was great how you went to the security department and got an interview with Bob Cowles. The interview was interesting, I felt like he may have contradicted himself. Regardless, like Jodi’s Favorite Group, the interviews were very beneficial and really gave the presentation a real and serious feeling. It was evident that Brandon and John put in a lot of time, between filming and gathering information.

Jodi’s Favorite Group, minus myself, plus Anna did a good job and I thought their information was interesting. I thought the purpose of the project was appealing as well. The video the group put together had good aspects and bad aspects I felt. For example, the scenes that had another member in the background seemed immature and it was a joke. That took away from the serious aspect of the film. The topic you discussed is important and controversial. Why take away from that with unneeded humor? I can’t help but think of Max’s presentation. His topic was serious yet had mysterious implications. His voice in the film fit the concept and helped strengthen the intention of his topic. I also thought that the interview within the group could have been more serious. It seemed that it was unplanned. I really like the fact that you did personal interview. It is always nice to hear a filmmakers view on the subject. Also, it was very distracting to hear the laughing from the group while the presentation was going on. It distracted me from watching the movie and reading the screen.

On a positive note, it was really interesting to have an interview with someone from the Human Resources Dept. This really helped strengthen your focus on the project. I also liked the statistics you used from polling members of the Hobart and William Smith Community. I think you brought awareness to the community at the Colleges and you revealed some pretty interesting information about the topic of security at school. Your whole group put in a lot of effort to produce the video. It was obvious you spent time to gather information and draw your conclusions.

I had mixed feelings about Yanina, Jessica and Dave’s project. At times, the movie was overwhelming. There was a lot going on and it was hard to read (may have been the screen in the room). It also had a lot going on at all times between images, content and music. Don’t get me wrong; I commend your editing skills. It was impressive, however I was overwhelmed because I felt like the information could have been presented in a more clear and concise way. At points, the amount of editing and features took away from your focus. I knew you were talking about the millennial generation and I realized towards the end how the mash up and presidential election points are influenced by the millennial generation. Or, I think I did? It was clear that you put in a lot of work and your effort should not go overlooked. It was a very intellectual project that had a strong viewpoint.

One thing that bothered me was that some people did not present. More so, some people did not even show up to class at all this week. I apologize if there is a personal reason. However, if you did a project, I felt like you should have at least told the class what you did. I know my group worked hard and it was pretty obvious other groups did as well, so to me, it was disrespectful that some students did not even stand up and say what they did. Have pride in your project. You could have been as simple and straightforward as Corey. He did not have a presentation planned; yet he talked about what he did and his goals. I thought it was great and I got to hear about what he was working on all semester.

I was hoping more people would comment on presentations. I think they are a pretty important part of our class. I know some people probably will not like my comments. I am not saying that anyone’s presentation was bad. I think everyone should be applauded for the effort. I respect everyone’s efforts and think their presentations turned out well. I am not a film critic, nor am I the most talented presenter, so do not take my opinion or view seriously. I am simply just saying what I thought. Plus, I thought that was the point of our class blogs. I know some people will disagree with me. That is fine. I know this may influence your peer evaluation. I understand. That is a risk I will take…ah!


Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Class Presentations: Day 1

I enjoyed the presentations in class yesterday. I especially enjoyed the first groups. Man, they were great. Right?!

I thought Max's presentation was very interesting. I learned a lot. At first, I had no idea what he was talking about. The definitions and terms he had on one of his first slides baffled me. However, as the presentation progressed I really began to understand what he was talking about. First, I thought Max did a great job explaining the definitions of terms he was using. I am not very tech savvy, so it was something new to me to learn about how people can hack or work there way around a system to watch DVD's, listen to CD's and play video games for free. At times, Max presented a lot of information that took mw a few minutes to comprehend. Again, the terminology was confusing to me, but that may just be because it is new.

I liked how he incorporated case studies. This brought a different component to the presentation that gave his information a lot of credibility. Also the examples of how a person can get around a secure system was interesting. Max defiantly knows how to break the system. Be careful!

It was clear Max did a lot of work on his project. His presentation technique was different, but I liked it. When Max explained why he decided to record his voice in the slide show, I could defiantly understand where he is coming from. I get nervous when I speak in front of a large group of people because I do mumble and talk to quickly. I thought that recording the voice added a certain feeling to the presentation. A feeling of mystery I guess. Overall, I really enjoyed his project and I learned a lot.

I thought Pat's presentation was very good as well. I was hoping someone would do a project on the Election. I thought Pat put in a lot of time to obtain the information and facts. It was nice to see some logistics about the election once it has ended.I feel like sometimes people do not take time to look at different statistics once the election ends. It was interesting to see the different numbers, whether it was how much money one candidate spent compared to the other. It is evident that Pat could have multiple arguments for why Obama won. He could pull information relating to specific numbers, the candidate's websites or their campaign policy. Pat had a laundry list of differences among the campaigns and many reasons why Obama pulled away with the victory. Pat had examples for nearly every aspect of each candidates campaign! I think having a strong argument with multiple examples really helped Pat produce a noteworthy project. I kept thinking he could not find more information to persuade the class about why Obama won, but he kept coming out with more! It was nice that Pat dissected the election like he did. I learned a great deal about each candidates campaign.

I thought Pat's presentation technique was strong. His PowerPoint displayed clear and accurate information. It was clean and easy to read. It was nice also because Pat rarely read right from the slides. He knew what to say. Overall, it was a strong presentation that presented great information.

Excited for Thursday.


Friday, December 5, 2008


I would like to respond to yesterdays class. According to Professor Dean we are afraid to take risks and we should do more exiting stuff in class. Apparently, this is the class to take risks and apparently we have done it before. We have been making PowerPoint presentations in 5 minutes and we have been making videos.

However I do not view this as a risk at all. Every time we have done something other than just talking, we have been told to do it by the Professor. Even in class (when the last group presented videos) it was after Professor Dean had told us that she expected more. I cannot remember one time where a student came up (in class) with a new way of presenting. We have been told to do those presentations EVERY time we have been doing it. We have never taken risks in this class and I am sorry, but I do not want to.

I do not want to take risks in this class because every time we do something other than a normal report of what the book says we get a (beep) load of critique. When we made a PowerPoint presentation we had done nothing right. Well, I am sorry but I cannot make a PowerPoint presentation that fast. We might be millennials but that does not mean we can do everything in 5 minutes. I understand that we cannot be cuddled every time we do something, you do not have to give us compliments. But you cannot blame us for never taking risks if the only option after that is getting bombarded with critique. I am afraid to take risks in this class, I AM PLAYING IT SAFE.

Merel van Helden

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Class 12.4.08

I liked that we went back into the same groups we were in last time we met as a class. I think that was important because the group could continue their thoughts from the previous class and continue their discussion. Our group worked on developing some bullet points from each chapter to discuss as a whole class. (They may be scattered because I was typing them as we went along.) Some of the important concepts and questions we discussed included the ideas about the most powerful components of the Internet and how did business interact with the Internet in the past when they first encountered it? Invisibility is one. We then discussed how corporations implement the Internet during this time period? We then moved on to talk about the way people acted at work or the way employees have gone about their work. Has it changed or stayed the same? Is the way a person should conduct himself or herself in the workplace embedded in human nature? We also discussed the importance of the Internet on businesses. Is the Internet a good influence? What ways can is it a bad influence? Another topic we talked about in our group focused on people’s view of their boss or another authoritative figure. A person’s voice is essential on the Internet because the Internet allows people to speak without interruption. Our group conversed of the issue of a person breaking free from the typical, the usual. The way a business works is tough and will suck you in, however if you can set yourself aside of the standard, you will succeed. We talked about making mistakes and learning from them. We thought about how do business leaders feel about this? The CTM talks about Fort Business. When a person enters the real world, there is a lot of interaction with outside resources, compared to a number of years ago when business leaders attempted to teach a new employee to stay within the realm of their own office. The importance of networking is huge. A business succeeds with networking.

When we broke from our individual groups into a class discussion, I was very surprised with Prof. Dean’s response to the group work. I guess I did not realize that she was expecting us to make a power point, a new set of thesis, etc. CTM talks about employees voicing their opinion and not being afraid of asking questions. I was experiencing those same thoughts and feelings in class. I was too afraid to say something because I did not want to say something dumb or irrelevant. That is something I need to work on because I do it a lot in other classes as well. I need to voice my opinion and not care about whether it is a dumb comment or not.

Moving on, I give Yanina a lot of credit for her response to the CTM reading. It was thoughtful and intriguing. She definitely helped stir more discussion and move the class in the right direction. I like how she thinks outside the box. It allows me, maybe others, to think differently about the subject as well, stirring other feelings and opinions, which lead to a prolonged discussion. I understand where Prof. Dean was coming from when she explained her reasoning about her unhappiness with our group work. We are in the last few weeks of class and we should have known better to make a better presentation. That is our faults. I apologize.

Excited for next week and final projects!


Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Clue Train Thoughts

I have really enjoyed the book so far. Many statements and claims by the author’s have made me think more about life. I knew that the discussion about authoritative figures and employees would come up in class and I am glad it did. I was interested to hear what people thought on that topic. I am not sure how I stand on business firms wanting young people to think highly of them or having their firm being appealing to our generation. That whole discussion is interesting. I feel like some companies put in an intimating act and some companies do not. Regardless, any success a firm has depends heavily on communication. Communication is important in any line of work.

I thought the first chapter was very thought provoking. The advertising world is making people think they need things and the convenience of obtaining such materialistic things is easy. I believe that people’s hobbies are one way to initiate a conversation that may not occur otherwise. This is one way people can learn from one another and this spreads the knowledge of a hobby to one person and eventually they will tell someone else.

Chapter 2 was interesting. The Internet is a place that is so magnificent that it entices people into the cyber world. People become engrossed in what is on the Internet. Anyone can find something they like or enjoy. This shows how anyone can express his or her passion or feelings online. This is a gateway for others to join them and share their passion for something. I also thought the second chapter was interesting because the author made a claim that the Internet allows people to control their lives more efficiently. Since the Internet has the capability to hold so much information, someone at the cluck of a button can research what he or she would like and surely come up with what they are looking for. It allows people to become more knowledgeable and learn how to think and figure problems out.

Chapter 3 continued a discussion that was intriguing. I agree that silence is the death of anything. When something becomes dead, it is because there is no more discussion about it. Silence is the slow killer of many arguments or discussion. A person who does not do anything does not progress anywhere, whether it is in their work or social life. If you work hard, good things will happen and you will make progress. I believe you will take steps in the right direction.

I am excited to continue reading. After the first chapter, the author presented very upbeat, positive thoughts, which was nice. Sometimes you read books or articles and some author’s can be cynical. The first couple of chapters were great and they were helpful. I learned a lot about how the Internet began and how it works logistically. The focus on our age generation is also beneficial.


Class 12.2.

I really thought class today was helpful. I liked that we went right into group work after we read the Wall Street article. I thought the article was very interesting because it involved our generation and this stimulated a lot of people in different ways. The Wall Street article sparked a great discussion latter in the class. Before we get to that though, I think the group work was beneficial. I thought our group did a good job discussing the Clue Train author’s opinions about voice, authenticity and play and the post on Prof. Dean’s blog. We all thought that business needs rules to keep their employees in line. I personally think a business should implement rules because it will help the business run smoothly and efficiently. This helped move the discussion back to the Wall Street article and tie it together with the reading from class. In our group, Anna made very interesting remarks that she shared with the class about people our age needing that authoritative figure and having that person telling us we are doing well. She went on to say that an authoritative figure is necessary for many important reasons to help support the business or corporation and help keep younger employees in line. I really liked her comments on this subject.

Another part of class I enjoyed was Corey’s comments. Corey's statement about a more black and white world rather than a world where people could cut slack was interesting and I agree more with him on his argument pertaining to the black and white world. I think a person’s opinion can vary depending on their work ethic, commitment and competitiveness. I think people should take responsibility for their actions and that includes turning in something late or not showing up for a meeting. That doesn’t cut it in my mind.

I liked how Prof Dean brought the class back together after the groups had time finish their discussion. It was nice to hear her opinions about the Wall Street article she handed out and also the reading. It was interesting to hear that Prof. Dean thought all people in the work force should be on an equal level. I never have though about that but the more I do; it has a lot of positive aspects. At first glance, one may not see them, but when you take a step back and think about the pro’s and con’s, I think they are more pro’s. Overall, I was pleased with class and I thought it was great that the article stimulated people and got everyone thinking.


Monday, December 1, 2008

95 Complaints.

So I just read the 95 theses and I don't think I get it.

I get that he thinks there should be more communication between both parties and that they are going to fail if they don't start listening to each other but some companies do listen to the market. They have to pay attention to it if they are going to succeed. You can't make money if you aren't meeting your customers needs. I don't think companies need to listen to every comment anyway. Not everyone is going to be helpful and make a positive change. They need to be able to read each other but I don't think businesses are failing all over the place because they don't listen. I think there are alot more reasons that they fall than just not listening.


Monday, November 24, 2008

Thesis 14

Corporations do not speak in the same voice as these new networked conversations. To their intended online audiences, companies sound hollow, flat, literally inhuman.

I think this is really true. Corporations do not know what people want but they still try to sell it. Therefore they keep talking in this commercial advertisement way that sounds very inhuman. By trying to be funnier than everyone else they lost all the humor. It seems that when you go online you see only adverstisement. You are getting really confused about the overwheliming amount. Or they try to talk to you in a very mechanic way that attracks no one. I do believe that markets are doing a good job with this. They know how to attract their online audience much better than corporations do.

I think that the introduction gave a very good quote:
"But learning to speak in a human voice is not some trick, nor will corporations convince us they are human with lip service about "listening to customers." They will only sound human when they empower real human beings to speak on their behalf."

I think that that is the solution for corporations, if they want to catch up to the markets that do know how to speak in a human voice. It is definitly possible for corporations to catch up again, as long as they make a real change and not a fake change by pretending to be human.

Merel van Helden

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Funny cultural difference

Hi guys.
I just wanted to tell you guys some cultural differences, even though they are not really related to class. But in the extension of our cultural differences in leisure time I thought I could share this.

The Cannabis College, an advisory body to softdrugs in Amsterdam, has existed for ten years. To celebrate the College holds a festival of ten days, including films and hemp wine. There are awards for people that have praised hemp and cannabis in art and movies and of course there are discussion about the legalisation of softdrugs.

I, for one, think it is ridiculous that my country is doing this, but in the words of Matt: You think why? We think why not?

Merel van Helden

Saturday, November 22, 2008

gamer theory

Wark makes some cool points, i do find the idea of Gamer Theory interesting, especially the military entertainment complex Professor Dean talked about during class. I enjoyed when the class discussion moved to the topic of boredom. Two points were made (i dont remember who made them) but they both stand out in my mind. The first was "Boredom is what creates designers" and "Boredom is a liberation...a kind of freedom." Boredom as liberation or a kind of freedom is neat concept. What a cool way to consider boredom? I agree with that point. When you're bored you often need something new to do to keep you occupied. At this point you're free to move away from what you are doing and to try or engage yourself in something new. This ties into the point "boredom is what creates designers" because if people weren't bored or looking for a new entertainment outlet, the desire for new things would be non-existent as well as unnecessary. I wouldn't go as far as to say boredom is the basis of our creativity but I do believe that boredom is quite often the baseline for new ideas.

Overall, Gamer Theory definitely was a difficult book for me. The beginning reminded me a of a riddle but then once we got to the chart i began to feel very confused. Both times after the class discussions i went back and re-read sections of the book because i had a better understanding of what was going on. For me, the foreignness of what Wark was talking about made the experience of reading his book feel like a mini game...One where his content became some secret code that i had to decipher or crack in order to get to the next level of understanding.


A Community all about games - created by You, played by everyone

so i found this website - XNA creators club online - where you can actually make your own games and then other members can play the games you created. If i understand it all correctly, if you have windows creating / submitting your games is free, but if you purchase the premium membership you can actually develop games for xbox 360, which is cool.


Friday, November 21, 2008

Gamer Theory

Gamer Theory has been a book I have struggled with. I have had a very difficult time grasping the concepts the author is talking about. I am not sure I like the format of the book. I know we talked about how the book reads as a game. That bothers me. I do not comprehend material very well if it is not directly stated. I know the points of learning and is dig through information and dissect information. However, sometimes the author just needs to get it out there. I would not mind digging around and figuring out what the author has to say in Gamer Theory, but every time I do or the class does, we get no where I feel. I guess I am disappointed. When i looked at the books for the class that we would throughout the semester, I think I was most looking forward to this one. I guess i did not live up to my expectations. I know I am putting off some strong feelings of dislike towards this book, but I feel like I needed to get it out there. No offense Prof.

Regarding the model we have been so intrigued about the past few class meetings. I don't get it. I don't get what we are supposed to get out of it. I think the only step in the direction of understanding the chart was from the help of David. I was lucky to have Dave in my group when we first went over the chart. He really helped me understand the book for one, and the chart as well. The idea of the lines connecting made sense to me. The idea of progression was intriguing. Yanina also had a interesting thought about connecting the chart with digital enclosure. Overall, I think Dave and Yanina explanations have made the most sense, but I still am having trouble with Gamer Theory as a whole.

After reading over what I just wrote, I realized that i was rather negative in me feelings towards Gamer Theory. I just have had a hard time comprehending the material and understand what the author wants me to learn. On another note, I have really enjoyed our class discussion and what we have been doing. I like hearing Prof. Dean lecture and tell us what she thinks. It is pretty helpful. Talking about our final projects yesterday got me excited to hear what people may be doing. It is approaching soon!


Thursday, November 20, 2008

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Internet in space.

Hi Guys,
Another fun message from the Dutch News:

"AMSTERDAM - NASA has successfully tested a network that allows distant satellites and space vehicles communicate with Earth as computers with internet.

The software for the network, disruptions-tolerant Network (DTN), was developed by Vincent Cerf, the grandfather of the Internet. He is the inventor of the TCP / IP protocol that is the basis for the terrestrial Internet.
There is the risk that communication will be interrupted in space, because a spacecraft is behind a celestial body or because there is a solar storm. The distance between earth and the space objects make it difficult to send information too. A message from Mars for example, takes 3.5 to 20 minutes to reach the earth - depending on how far the two planets are from each other. On this moment people on earth must determine when the circumstances are most favorable for a transmission to planetary explorers. With DTN that work fully automated.
For the test with the DTN, which was held last month, photographs were sent back and forth between a network with nine points on earth and the Epoxi, a satellite that is on course for a rendezvous with the comet Hartley, in 2010. Next summer there will be a test with DTN on board the international space station ISS."

As you can read the internet is advancing fast. Soon we will not only be able to facebook with people in space but also with aliens :P.

Merel van Helden

Sunday, November 16, 2008

work now play later?

Work. Work. Work.
That's what America is all about. The more we can get done the better. work work's ingrained in us. BG mentioned in his blog: "The concept of productivity is highly Americanized in our culture." I completely agree with that statement. It's as though we are trying to find the quickest, most efficient ways to accomplish tasks, and then instead of using the time we gain to relax , we instead take on more tasks. Why have we become a nation of workaholics? Why is relaxation time not guaranteed on a daily basis?...something's got to give...if you want to have one, you can't have the other. I'm not saying everyone is like this but for the most part i feel like America's an uptight nation. To kick back and relax isn't as easy as it used to be. I for one try to balance my work with play. I think it's essential to kick back and relax but I also recognize the importance of getting my work done. I prioritize and with that said, sometimes work isn't my first priority...Play often is, and I'm still successful. To me success isn't just about accomplishing a ton of stuff,... success is getting things done but still having 'me' time. Me time -however you may spend it- is crucial. What good is success if you can't even enjoy it because you are too stressed out or uptight? The way i see it...Life's all about moderation and balance..if you can maintain a balance between work and play and still accomplish everyday tasks then i consider that successful.


Leisure time: BIG SURPRISE and 1 BIG question

I thought that last class was pretty interesting. Often if you read the book discussion seem pointless because everyone reads the book so what is there to discuss about? But this time we had a good discussion I think. I especially liked the ending. To most people it might seem normal by I am actually still amazed by the way people here spend their leisure time. Now that it is mentioned I see it everywhere.

This weekend I was looking for people to hang out with and everyone was busy, doing something useful. I would actually have to say "useful" because the fact that we can justify it with "it looks good on a CV" does not necessarily mean it is usefull. But still, everyone was busy. It hits me every time: people are WORKING!

The Netherlands is so completely different. There were days last year where I just spend my entire day doing nothing, even spending several days doing nothing. Days where you would spend 6 hours of the day watching movies. Many friends of mine go out 5 times a week until 4am and sleep until 12pm, week in, week out. The only things I can put on my CV are working for 3 weeks during 1 summer at a company that distributes books and a vacation with friends to South Africa where we happened to build an Aids Centre. I would not say that we do not work at all in the Netherlands. I study a lot, but every time I call friends to have lunch they say yes because they can put aside their work for a few moments to do nothing.

This post is not meant to be negative at all. There are so many good things about the system here. I am amazed by the level of discipline people have here. It is hard to find students that study in the weekend in the Netherlands (unless there is an exam the Monday after). In this country you become someone because you worked for it. But still, I couldn't imagine how my life would look if I grew up in the US. I value my "useless" time so much. Just doing stuff with no reason at all. No justification. I would never want to stop doing that. To me, this is the first BIG difference that I encounter between the US en the Netherlands. It only took me 3 months :P.

Another example is vacation. I consider my parents to workaholics. But when I think about it, they have vacation about 7 weeks a year and they still has free days left. I think this is not much at all but apparently it is here.

I can tell you: of all the differences that I expected to find when I would come here for the first time, I never expected leisure time to be one. So I have one BIG question. This is not to be stupid, mean or trying to change anything, I just really want an answer. I really hope someone can explain this to me.

How can people be happy if they are working all the time?

Merel van Helden


I just realized that I did not yet post my "useless" picture flying trick. So what you do is you go to the website you want to look at. Then you put the following code into the url:

javascript:R=0; x1=.1; y1=.05; x2=.25; y2=.24; x3=1.6; y3=.24; x4=300; y4=200; x5=300; y5=200; DI=document.getElementsByTagName("img"); DIL=DI.length; function A(){for(i=0; i-DIL; i++){DIS=DI[ i ].style; DIS.position='absolute'; DIS.left=(Math.sin(R*x1+i*x2+x3)*x4+x5)+ "px";*y1+i*y2+y3)*y4+y5)+" px"}R++}setInterval( 'A()',5); void(0);

And then the pictures are flying. To stop it just exit the website. I must say that I would have never thought that this would actually start a discussion.

Merel van Helden

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Rory Kennedy

Yesterday there was a speech by Rory Kennedy. She makes documentaries about social aspects of life. I found it very interesting, especial when she talked about the film she made about Helen Thomas at the White House. She told us that (I believe) Helen said that journalism (whether online or not) really is the fourth brange of government in the checks and balance system. Since it is the task of journalism to ask the difficult questions about policy. I think that was a very interesting view and I sort of agree with her. But this does pose the question that was asked in class as well: Who should be the journalists? Should there only be journalism from professionals, journalism that is censored by editors? Or should everybody be allowed to be a journalist? The danger with that is however that it might become (as Brandon said) a wikipedia, where anybody could say anything.

Merel van Helden

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Gaming v Real life

"Uncritical gamers do not win what they desire; they desire what they win. The score is the thing." This is often true. A friend of Merel always plays online games, which are easy and there is no real goal. The games are ususally puzzle like games. However, he plays these games because you can win points and if you have enough points you can "buy" a key chain or a mug with those points. In the end this friend is spending a few hours every day playing, not because he likes the game, but because he wants to "buy" something. Even though a key chain or a mug is not really special. He is desiring what he can win, he is not winning what he desires.

The book also talks about knowing the game. The Sims is an allegorithm. As a player you learn the code of the game, you can win if you understand the system, any value can be discovered through trial and error. You can win if you understand that expensive objects make your sim happy and cheap ojects do not. You can win if you understand that you need 4 points in charisma, 6 points in creativity and have 4 friends. But then it just becomes a routine you go thourgh to get more expenive stuff.

Games take images from other media. So its not the content that is special to games, but it is the form. The more the game starts to look like real life, the more we discover how it is not like real life. In its simplest form we do not expect a representation of real life. But when the game becomes more complex we expect a better representation of real life than it can give us. In addition, the game is everything the gamerspace is not. The game seems utopian and therefore we see how the gamerspace is not.

The game and the gamespace have one very important diference. In the game you can quit, you can go back to a previously saved moment in the game, you can start new. In gamespace we however do not have that option. We cannot control time and therefore we cannot always tie the loose ends. In the Sims, when things go bad the Sim looks at the gamer to ask for help. However, in real life the gamer has no where to turn to when things go wrong.

Class and Bruns

I learned a lot from Prof. Dean's powerpoint yesterday. It brought a different aspect to class. Just a few weeks ago, all the students put together power points and Prof. Dean gave us feedback. I liked the fact that she took the time to put together a power point to kind of show everyone what a good presentation looks like.I thought the power point presentation was helpful because Prof. Dean brought in the student's views and also her own. So it helped looking at the Bruns concpets from different angles. Also, keeping the class format different is helpful. We did something different from a lecture or group work. As many people know, students learn differently, whether it is hands or or visually. So it was helpful in that regard by learning from looking and reading from a power point.

As for the reading, I find myself agreeing with Axel Bruns for the most part. I feel that news and media practices have dramatically shifted towards the online world and has changed the culture of american news and most importantly politics. THe digital world has allowed people to conveniently receive news without picking up a paper. The opposition of citizen journalism like blogs and chat rooms, have left some people with a sour taste in their mouth. Can you have a meaningful and critical discussion on a blog or in a chat forum? Digital media has allowed people to generate their thoughts into an online template and gives other people the opportunity to leave a comment. I believe this characteristic of most online forums and blogs has made it easier for people to discuss, deliberate and disagree with other people, which definitely has people scrutinizing the digital media world. The use of digital media depends on that person. They choose and decide if they would like to be on the most interactive and individual network when they choose to add their comments and views on a subject. To compare this to mainstream media would not be far off. I think they coincide with one another.


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

What Palin has to say...

Palin signals interest in presidential run and talks about what went wrong this time around.


post election South Park episode

here's the link to the post election south park episode.


Monday, November 10, 2008

E-Waste Revisited

In connection with Yanina's teaching day presentation (round 1) of E-Waste, I saw a great segment on 60 minutes last night. The segment was on this new concept of E-Waste in China. The focus is on an American recycling company that talks about the seriousness of shipping American waste to undeveloped countries. They actually traced a shipment from the American recycling company to Hong Kong, and inevitably to a dump-site filled with acres upon acres of wasted computer and television cathode-ray tubes (CRT's) which are the most toxic is addition to the dozens of toxins within computer towers and hard drives.
The dump-sites were actually guarded by gangs, who upon discovery of the reporters attacked and mugged the reporters stealing soil samples and camera equipment. The diseases and repercussions of these toxins being released on the community were widespread and awful. It's very interesting how a month ago, no-one new relatively anything about E-Waste, and now it is of great national concern. It will be very interesting to see the role that the media will play now that this concern has entered the mainstream media cycle.

Here's the link to the video from 60 minutes:


So I went to publish the medddiiiaa post this morning and it didn't post so here it is. I don't know what the deal was.



Deliberation and debate can occur via the internet and other web sources however this type of debate is not as substantial as face to face debate. Face to face debate allows for credibility and people to own up to what they have said. On the internet people can make up anything they want to just to back up their point. On the internet, there is more of the time sensative issue as well. If people are debating via blogging the topic has a chance to settle down if both people are not at their computers right at the same time typing to each other. So i n person debating adds another element of emotions and being active. It is harder to clarify points when they are typed and not in person because you can't ask the other person right away if you understand their arguement correctly. Deliberation and debate can occur in both settings but it is used better when it is done away from the internet.

It is not a opposition to mainstream media it is just another outlet. It is just another way for people to get information and incorporate participation more than mainstream media. It also supports mainstream media because you can access the shows on mainstream, online too. If you miss an episode you can watch it online and catch up. It is also a more individual level because each person can look up whatever they want and are not limited to what is being offered to them like on a news program. For example they may say something like "today we are going to talk about....." and then list their top stories but the viewer doesn't have a choice of what is being shown. Online they can look for whatever stories they want to hear about. The internet is just complementing mainstream media and is not opposing it.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Not so far out.

I think Adrienne is right and that it is not so far out. (Read her post first) I also think that Juicy Campus is just something useless we look at to entertain us, which it actually never does. And since we realize that it is useless we also do not regard the information on it as valuable. When I look at sites like Juicy Campus I don't think any of it is true. To me it is just a "what if it was true" website.

Merel van Helden

this might be a little far out..

so this idea just popped into my head...

a few classes ago, when we shared our skills to one another, Merel taught the class how to make items on the screen hover and whatnot. This led to a discussion and i forget who said it but someone said something along the lines of how our generation likes meaningless things (Such as the hover tool) serves no purpose except to look cool. So now i wonder could we argue that part of our interest in Juicy campus goes back to this idea that we just like meaningless things? If it's used to bash people it's a pointless site, i don't see any purpose in we actually get anything out of it? I certainly don't think so.


Wednesday, November 5, 2008

hws students at their finest...

Kids need places to vent. It’s a shame they attack certain kids online, but I think JD made this point..that you could just as easily be sitting in the café saying stuff about a person with them in earshot. I know people that disagree with me will be like, “what if you were the person being made fun of? wouldnt like it…blah blah etc”. My response would be well that sucks, and I might be a little upset, I might be a little embarrased, but I wouldn’t take it to heart. Obviously, no one likes to be made fun of, but it happens, that’s life. You need to have a thick skin…there are always going to be people that don’t like you or criticize you, but at the end of the day, it’s your choice as to whether or not you are going to let what other people say affect you.

Going back to that idea of exposure…I know people talk about me, the thing is, I’m not about to subject myself to it. If I cant control what people orally say about me, why should I expect to control what they post about me?

In response to the question:
--does the fact that people's feelings and reputations are damaged make juicy campus a disciplinary issue? an ethical issue?

Esentially the stuff we see on juicy campus are just rumors /gossip in the digital form. Remove the digital from the equation and we are left with rumors / gossip. What action would be taken if these messages were written on bathroom walls? Probably not much. You can't punish someone for their thoughts. Ethically, i think juicy campus does push the limits a bit, but again, what does it say about the person's character who is posting the hurtful comments?

You cant stop gossip. You have to be above it. Are people’s reputations really damaged?..perhaps on a personal level, but I can’t imagine most people take half the stuff written on the site seriously. It’s a gossip site, people should recognize that as an invalid tool to judge a person. I highly doubt companies or people of great importance are going to check out juicy campus as a way to evalaute the characteristics / qualifications of a person. The more slanderous / vicious the post is, the more it dequalifies juicycampus and the validy of it.

In response to the question: does the fact that we are very small campus amplify the impact of juicy campus?

Yes and no. Yes, if we were a big school it would be much easier for those discussed on juicy campus to blend in and hide. But with or without juicy campus word still gets around at our school because it’s a small campus.
At the end of the day I look at juicy campus and consider it unecessary slander. I find it a little messed up that there’s a site out there encouraging kids to bad mouth one another. But most unsettling is how quick kids on our campus are to do so and the overall popularity of the site in general. I think the anonymity factor draws kids into the site, because they feel less acountable for posting stuff. But atleast for me, if a person isn't willing to sign their name next to their claim, then their post doesn't mean much to me.


HWS supplies the juice?

My question is, what is the difference between Juicy Campus and the bathroom stall wall? Gossip is everywhere, but as we all can imagine in college it is nothing like it was in high school. Sure it will spread like wildfire, and for a short time everyone who hears about it will go to Juicy Campus to check it out. But thats where it stops. It is all just stupid gossip.

Since we are such a small campus, Juicy Campus is blown out of proportion. But this doesn't make it a disciplinary issue, it is definitely more of an ethical issue. The school cannot stop kids from posting on this site, but at the same time they cannot punish us for posting on the site. There is no question it is completely irresponsible of students to post such information especially derogatory or hurtful and even threatening.

If the postings develop into threats against students or faculty, then no question the school should intervene to prevent anything serious from happening. For the people who are emotionally hurt by these postings, its tough to say but it is too bad; but they have to move past it. Do their actions prompt such postings, if so then it is a bit of a reality check. And for those who actually post, their deeds will not go unrecognized. If their conscience isn't affected then they are the lesser person.

Chapter 15.

The amount of internet activity through cites such as myspace, facebook, and other blogging cites has undoubtedly risen and the creation of other factfinders and protest cites has increased too but I don't think they have the potential that Scholz says. Or at least I don't think it has that much potential for everyone. I really think that only certain kinds of people invest alot of time into blogging and social networking online. Some cites are great like the Katrinapeople finder that helped people find their loved ones. Some have great potential but I don't think everyone is so supportive of using the internet to socially network and to make change. I don't think alot of people have enough time to do that. People with families and jobs. I would rather send time being with my family and friends than being on the computer and socially networking. I think he overemphasizes the willingness of people to become really involved online.


Juicy News

After I left class today, I felt frustrated and I couldn't really collect my thoughts. I didn't know how to feel feel towards The first time I saw this website was last week after Asa's presentation and someone mentioned something about I did not think anything of it and I did not bother to look at it. I simply did not have any interest. However, over the weekend, I read about and heard people talking about it. So I decided to look at it on Monday. My first reaction was: "wow this is pretty stupid."

I think the website is pretty immature. It is rather lame of people who young adults to go on a website and discuss the topics they do. It's stupid. I began to wonder why HWS did not take any action or this was not a bigger deal in the media. I am pretty positive other college students are aware of this website.

Since I have looked at the website that one time, I probably will not go back on it again. I just rather not see what is being discussed and see what persons names are on it. It is an immature way to make fun of someone, to get under someone's skin and bad mouth a classmate. I think is a place where only trouble can arise from. Some students may have stuff on the website that may get them in trouble with work, school or a relationship. Is the information credible though? Who will take it seriously. Regardless, the website is just a stupid and rather pathetic way to voice your opinion.

The class discussion was rather interesting today. I did not know how to say what I wanted at the time, partly because i was toeing the line of what is moral and ethical. Professor Dean stated that if you expose yourself to the site you shouldn't let the posts affect you. I mean I cannot argue against that. That is true. That is why I have decided not to look at it again. I can see the counter-argument too. I just have not articulated the words for it. I guess I am in the middle of that argument. Ah! I really think the cyberbullying is just so immature and sometimes has gone to far, and the best example going is

All in all, I like the direction the class is heading. There should be some interesting class coming up. I feel like this topic is not dead by any means!


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

"i will never truly forget who this victory belongs to. It belongs to you...."

"the true genius of America is that America can change..."

"if our children should leave to see the next century...what change will they see, what progress will be made...?

"..Out of many, we are one"

I enjoyed Obama's speech...i found it inspiring and I am excited to see what lies ahead.


Monday, November 3, 2008

Media Coverage and the 2008 Election

Something that I have been following for the past 2 weeks that I think is interesting and might interest other people is the amount of news coverage Sarah Palin is getting in comparison to Joe Biden. In one of my other classes we focus alot on the media and have read several books on media coverage. We have looked at how the media only covers bad things or new things. A woman as a VP choice is a new thing. Violence and scandal often get the top air time because these stories get the most viewers. Sarah Palin has been covered on every major news station and has been very present on SNL but Joe Biden has really taken a backseat to the amount of coverage received. However the most coverage is given to her based on stupid things like how much she spends on clothes for the campaign and her pregnant daughter. The majority of coverage is not spent talking about anything important. There is not alot of policy coverage. It is really our own fault that the news has come to this. These are the stories that gain the most viewers and make the most money. I think it was said best by "Bad news sells best. Cause good news is no news." (Schudson)


Friday, October 31, 2008

Class on 10.30

I enjoyed our second go around of student teaching. Everyone in my group had interesting presentations .In my group, Jessica had a great power point that incorporated a lot of statistics about other countries and Internet use, basically what Prof. Dean was talking about at the end of class today. It was very interesting hearing the numerous amounts of statistics. Merel also had an interesting presentation. I thought it was very cool how you could have the images on a webpage float around. Nothing against Merel and what she chose to present, but its amazing the amount of useless applications and gadgets one can find!

As far as the select group of class presentations. I found Abe’s presentation very intriguing. It developed a great discussion. I thought that tool (I cannot remember its name, Amazon kindle?) had some negatives and positives. I think it is important to have a book so you can dog ear pages, highlight and write in the margins. Also, like Mike Suits said, I cannot look at a computer screen for a long time while reading something. It drives me nuts. Some positive aspects of the tool were the accessibility of books for children and people of all age. Maybe this will make people read more? Asa’s presentation was interesting. When he pulled up the website, I heard people giggling. It seemed like people have seen it. I never have. I also didn’t get its purpose. Is it just for gossip or does it serve an educational purpose. Not to put down Asa’s choice of presentation at all, because I definitely learned something, just I was pretty confused.

Overall, I would say this class was very successful. Like Prof. Dean said on Locationf8, everyone seemed to be involved in what other students has to say. Class is a lot more fun that way. Prof. Dean really confused the hell out of me at the end when she explained the format and assignments moving forward. However, I just read the plan for the coming weeks on locatiof8, so I feel better.


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Class and Reading Thoughts

Class began today with Prof. Dean laying down the law. She explained final projects and our self/peer evaluations. I think it is pretty straightforward. I know our group has a fun project that we are working on. It involved making a video. Before we had a to make a video for class, we choose to make our final project a video. We had a positive experience from the film class that it only made us more confident to put together a great final video project.
I thought Prof. Dean’s lecture was interesting. She brought up many interesting points. …Wow the wind outside was ridiculous…sorry side note…It was nice to hear from Prof. Dean because I had some trouble comprehending the reading for class. I mean I grasped some of the bigger concepts, but I learn a lot better when someone (aka the teacher) can dissect the reading and explain some of the more confusing sections. Even thought the reading was not terribly long, it was full of interesting points. In regards to Prof. Dean’s chapter Communicative Capitalism there are a few points in the chapter that I disagree with and some I agreed with. One point is the idea about a circulating data stream. I agree that people have the chance to voice their opinion or express their beliefs on the web. The online world has allowed people to become more involved in politics. It is more convenient for many people. However I think that although people may be using the Internet more in terms of political reason, maybe some of the people are not giving a credible comment. Information from the Internet may be credible or not, and I think that it is very important that one knows where they get information from and who is giving them the information. Knowing the source of information is very important for me, especially for schoolwork. I am always careful and second-guess what I read for numerous reasons, which mainly originated in this class!
I am eager to see what people come to class on Thursday and teach. Last time we did this, I really enjoyed it. I think we have a great format set up for class and I cannot wait to see what people come up with. I this assignment will be successful again because there are no guidelines and the doors are open. You pick and choose what you want to teacher. Nice!


feeling connected through the internet

This was an interesting quote that I found that relates to how people feel connected to the campaign because of the internet.

"Yet despite the growth in the number of people who are politically engaged online, internet users express some ambivalence about the role of the internet in the campaign. On one hand, 28% of wired Americans say that the internet makes them feel more personally connected to the campaign, and 22% say that they would not be as involved in the campaign if not for the internet. At the same time, however, even larger numbers feel that the internet magnifies the most extreme viewpoints and is a source of misinformation for many voters." PEW report


Dean Chapter

One thing that I thought was interesting in the chapter was the idea that it doesn't matter who writes it or who reads it as long as there is alot of circulation of different ideas. I agree that it doesn't matter who reads it but I think it is important who writes it. I think things that are written need to be taken with a grain of salt considering who it is from.

Considering the source is really important when realizing the credibility of the information. People could just post rumors or things that they think are important and say they are facts but if people are not taking into account who wrote the text they may be misinformed. I was always told to be wary of information on the internet because of the fact that ANYONE can put information up. I think it is important to consider who is writing the information and what their background and credibility is.


Monday, October 27, 2008


I thought the movies were great. I was really impressed with all of them. I thought we were getting in way over our heads in the beginning and never thought we would be able to pull it off but I think the teaching day really helped clear things up about how to use the equipment.

Before we went on vacation our group decided that we would look at political satire but I don't think any of us realized that we would have to relate it to the Rebooting America book. I thought we were done with that and were just looking at aspects of the election and how to use technology to make a movie. I thought we would have a hard time relating comedy to the book but as our group brainstormed and talked about ideas, I think ours turned out really well. I think we may have even over related it compared to the other movies.

Overall I think it was a great project and I can't wait to make our final project movie now that we know more about making a movie it's not so hard.


This is how much we LOVE technology

I read this in my Dutch paper today. I thought it was a good example of how much we actually LOVE our technology and I thought it was pretty funny.

Man stuck in toilet after attempt to save phone.

Published on October 27th 2008 12:04, updated 12:07
BORDEAUX - A 26-year-old Frenchman got stuck yesterday in an attempt to fish a mobile phone out of the toilet from a train. The fire department had to remove the toilet as well to get the Frenchman out.

With his arm still in the toilet, the man was brought to the hospital according to witnesses. According to the French railways, the strong exhaust ventilation was the cause of the accident. The train was en route from La Rochelle to Bordeaux and was two hours delayed.

Merel van Helden

Friday, October 24, 2008

film showing

I really enjoyed class yesterday. Overall each group did a great job on the videos. Needless to say, each group created an informative film. What i liked best was how each group brought something different to their videos which made for an enjoyable viewing experience.

Like Sam said, Group 2 incorporated the film application techniques wonderfully. Plus, because their film flowed smoothly the message they were trying to convey was quite obvious and well received. They chose an important topic (internet, politics, the election) because of its relevancy to today, especially with our election less than 10 days away.

The third group i unfortunately can't say much about...sorry guys. I was in the process of creating the username for the class, so my viewing was limited, but i did listen. Judging by what was discussed in their video, i can only imagine some great images etc will follow...I'm excited to watch their video on youtube.

I enjoyed the last groups video as well. It was nice to hear about gamer theory especially because i have not exactly gotten too far into the book and i was slightly confused by it already. The last group effectively incorporated images, sounds, film techniques etc. to convey a certain tone to the class. It was a great film to end on.

I had a lot of fun working on this project. It was great to choose an area of research and report back on it with a movie. In the beginning i didn't realize we had to relate our findings to Rebooting America, but doing so was helpful for me. I already had a decent understanding of the readings in the book, but using points from it in our movies helped tie everything together for me.

This was a very successful project for me...I think i actually learned more through this entire video process than i would if we had written a paper. Professor Dean could have just been like "okay everyone, write a paper comparing your findings with Rebooting" but she wanted videos instead, which i am happy about. Even though we weren't writing a paper we still had to do just as much research to make our videos informative for everyone. PLUS, we learned how to make videos, something we would have missed out on had we written papers instead. This assignment was a large learning process. Professor Dean let us choose what to research. We chose what we wanted to learn about. I researched the things i had questions about and found answers...another process of learning. I worked with my peers (in my group)...we had to collaborate our ideas, and teach one another about our specific findings. We had to learn how to make videos and some of us had to teach the process to the class...another example of peer to peer learning. The film day = informative...i walked away learning new and interesting ideas...yet another process of learning. This assignment encompassed the many themes of learning we discussed the first few classes in the beginning of the semester. The set up of this assignment allowed for an effective learning process to take place.


Thursday, October 23, 2008

Film Class

I really enjoyed everyone's film. I think they all turned out very well and I think it is safe to say that everyone learned something from this project. Each presentation was different and unique, but provided very helpful information. This was a great project that is different from a paper or even a power point presentation. Making a video allowed me to learn something new. I think the project was very informative and got everyone away from writing another long paper.I think the time limit we had for the video was great too. Since most people are new to making videos, a 5 minute production is feasible and allows a group to get their message across clearly.

I think the second presentation (from Jeff and Mike's group) was really great. I think the film editing was pretty creative. I think they used the film application to make the movie to the fullest. The fade of the music and slides to the pictures and animation as pretty neat. As far as the content goes, I think it was very informative and educational. I definitely understood the message you were trying to convey through the movie. It is fascinating how much information you can pack into a 5 minute or less video. I agree that the internet has a huge affect on politics and definitely has affect the 2008 election. Kudos to your group. Great presentation and use of the film application you used.

The third film (Max's group) was great. I think the content of the film was the best part. You provided some great information that really helped me follow what you wanted to discuss in your video. I think the simple techniques you used provided more comfort to the person watching the film. It was easy to follow and read.

I think the last group's video was very creative. I got a feeling of a real documentary when I was watching it. The music, images and content was really impressive. The film techniques you used seemed veer professional. To make the production even better, the content was there and not only was it there, but it was key information that got across important issues. I think your movie flowed very well from beginning to end. The transitional steps from one thing to another was flawless.

Overall, great project. I learned a lot. The guidelines for the project were nice too. I am not sure I would change anything. People went their own way with the video idea and I think that was the best part about it.

I thought our class discussion was interesting. I did not really follow where the talk was going at first. It took me a few minutes but I started to understand what people were saying and to gather my thoughts. I do think that the internet has made learning and interacting in politics easier. Without question, I think it has. Does it make people more involved in politics. Not sure.

Ah, I am not sure, this topic is not settling in my mind right now. I cannot make up what I want to say. Ill be back with more on this...


compress your videos

this is new to me as well, but here are some links that may help you :

Compress movies from Windows Movie Maker

^^a video demonstration. Read the info under his profile because he messes up a word in his video!!!

Compress movies made from iMovie

^^a blog about it

Youtube Info

I made us a class wide email account at gmail. This gmail is the email i used to set up our youtube page. Here is the info...


Password: blogging
Security question: What is the name of your Professor?
Answer: Jodi Dean

Account name: JodisClass
Password: blogging363

Film Productions

I really enjoyed everyone's film. I think they all turned out very well and I think it is safe to say that everyone learned something from this project. Each presentation was different and unique, but provided very helpful information. This was a great project that is different from a paper or even a power point presentation. Making a video allowed me to learn something new. I think the project was very informative and got everyone away from writing another long paper.I think the time limit we had for the video was great too. Since most people are new to making videos, a 5 minute production is feasible and allows a group to get their message across clearly.

I think the second presentation (from Jeff and Mike's group) was really great. I think the film editing was pretty creative. I think they used the film application to make the movie to the fullest. The fade of the music and slides to the pictures and animation as pretty neat. As far as the content goes, I think it was very informative and educational. I definitely understood the message you were trying to convey through the movie. It is fascinating how much information you can pack into a 5 minute or less video. I agree that the internet has a huge affect on politics and definitely has affect the 2008 election. Kudos to your group. Great presentation and use of the film application you used.

The third film (Max's group) was great. I think the content of the film was the best part. You provided some great information that really helped me follow what you wanted to discuss in your video. I think the simple techniques you used provided more comfort to the person watching the film. It was easy to follow and read.

I think the last group's video was very creative. I got a feeling of a real documentary when I was watching it. The music, images and content was really impressive. The film techniques you used seemed veer professional. To make the production even better, the content was there and not only was it there, but it was key information that got across important issues. I think your movie flowed very well from beginning to end. The transitional steps from one thing to another was flawless.

Overall, great project. I learned a lot. The guidelines for the project were nice too. I am not sure I would change anything. People went their own way with the video idea and I think that was the best part about it.

I thought our class discussion was interesting. I did not really follow where the talk was going at first. It took me a few minutes but I started to understand what people were saying and to gather my thoughts. I do think that the internet has made learning and interacting in politics easier. Without question, I think it has. Does it make people more involved in politics. Not sure.

Ah, I am not sure, this topic is not settling in my mind right now. I cannot make up what I want to say. Ill be back with more on this...


Wednesday, October 22, 2008 wants YOU to vote

so i received this email today from (although i have no idea how i became a member):

Dear MoveOn member,

Oversleeping. Getting the car fixed. Having to pick up the second-cousin's stepkids on the other side of town. These are just a few of the reasons millions of Americans won't vote on November 4th.

It's not like they hate voting. They want to do it. They know they should. And mostly, they intend to. But some of your friends won't get around to actually voting because they haven't been reminded vividly enough.

That's why we developed this funny, scary video. It shows people what it might look like if we lose the election by a single vote: theirs.

Here's a version we prepared for you. You're in it—seriously, you. Check it out—and if you like it, send it to your friends:



McCain Accidentally Left On Campaign Bus...

funny video thanks to Check it out.


Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Palin charged Alaska for kids' travel

"In all, Palin has charged the state $21,012 for her three daughters' 64 one-way and 12 round-trip commercial flights since she took office in December 2006. In some other cases, she has charged the state for hotel rooms for the girls."

read the full article here

I am curious if this will go any further...


Class 10.21.08

First, what a miserable day in Geneva. Second, I think there are going to be some great movies. As I have been reading through the class blogs, it sounds like students have been following some pretty interesting topics. I think people will get pretty creative with their movies. As the class broke into groups ,listening to people talk and some of the music coming form computers only left me excited to see what people would come up with.
I liked how three different people taught how to make movies. Before this class, I was in the dark about where to even start to make a movie. I thought Pat did a great job. The Windows movie “maker” (sorry if that is not the correct name) seemed very easy and simple to use. Adrienne defiantly had a great understanding of the moviemaker she discussed. I liked how she went through the different effects and options you can implement into the movie. As Adrienne went on with Youtube and the “kiss” option, I got pretty confused. I am not that savvy with technology so I am not really sure what flash files and different “downloader’s” do. Max’s presentation was great too. I thought his moviemaker application was more technical but pretty useful, once you figure out all the gadgets. Overall, I think this was a great idea to have some students teach everyone else how to use this programs. The exercise made me feel a lot better about how to make a movie on a computer and use the different gadgets in each application.
I think our group has a great start to our video. We worked today in class on the script of the movie and cleared up some of the logistics I hope it turns out well. We spent time yesterday and this past weekend gathering our information and videos we will use. At first, I thought our video was going to be way to long. However, I think we have organized it well to fit the time time requirement.
As class came to and end, I took a step back and thought about this assignment. This is a very unique and interesting assignment that many college classes do not have the privilege of doing. I think it is neat that we have an opportunity to learn about how to make a movie on our computers. It is something different and not you see everyday in a class. ANyways, I think our group will pull through with a great video for the whole class to enjoy.


links to acquire video

here are some links i found:
I used this link (it's meant for windows users) ---->

This one is also good ------>

ALSO, has lots of content (TV shows and what not) on it. Check it out!!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Who's Nailin Paylin? and find out

Hustler's cinematic tribute to potential United States president Sarah Palin...

-Jodi's favorites minus Merel and the cold cold Russians.


Sunday, October 19, 2008

research over the weekend

so this weekend I did a fair amount of browsing on the internet about the campaign, millennials, the campaign and millennials, etc. Many of the sites i stumbled upon i found really interesting, especially the ones that discussed "dealing with millennials" and some were just absolutely amusing, especially some blogs. WHat really sticks out in my mind is the high number of sites discussing "how to manage millennials" and how certain companies are changing their policies in order to better suit us "millennials" in instead of us adapting to them, they are adapting to us. It was fun to read about my fellow "millennials" and the characteristics unique to my generation. After a while the websites began to get repetitive except different websites offered different views about "millennials" and politics. Some argued we weren't involved enough, yet others went on and on about the increase of millennial participation in politics, mainly with the current election. I agree with the latter. This made me think of Rebooting America. Technology has made it easier for us to get our hands in politics and it has enabled us to reach one another. I found this excerpt (below)'s from an online student journal, I'm not saying I agree with her, but I would be curious to hear what you all think about what she is saying... How much do you agree with her? Do you even agree with her? How much of a role does technology play in this election? Is this beneficial?

"Since young people are traditionally seen as apathetic, McCain didn’t bother with the youth constituency. Obama did.

He effectively brought the Millennials into the political process using social-networking sites like Facebook. He inspired new voters by convincing them that their grassroots support is essential to change, and he did most of it on the Internet.

The number of young voters in the 2008 presidential election has tripled compared to the 2004 elections. In some states it actually quadrupled, and Obama got to them first."


Saturday, October 18, 2008

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Palin as interactive site...

Palin as President. Someone emailed me this today.


Class 10.16.08

I liked the way class began today. I thought it was helpful how Prof. Dean explained what the plan was for the next few class meetings. I always get nervous because there is not technically a syllabus set in stone so I am always afraid we will have a big assignment due when I am not expecting it.
When we split into groups before the power point presentations, Prof. Dean spoke to the two groups that had already gone. I think her comments were very helpful and something we could take and learn from for future projects. I did feel like our presentation was seven separate presentations instead of one unified one. I know I felt rushed to put together something that the teacher would like and help me receive a good grade. I like taking my time on projects, especially with power points because presentations can be tricky. However, I definitely understand what Prof. Dean was saying about a lack of a central theme with ours. Prof. Dean made a comparison of making a presentation for your job in the real world. Would you just put something up and not really know what it meant? No. I would make a power point with a main concept or theme that showed the importance of what I was speaking about. I think this comparisons showed that maybe the first couple groups were not as prepared as the thought and tried to take the easy way out. Maybe? Not sure. 
After the first presentation of class today when we had a chance to comment on the presentation and what they group spoke about, I was a tad confused. I felt that Prof. Dean was asking us more about how the groups presenting skills were when I thought the more important question would be how they comprehended the material and presented the most important concepts. I am not saying critiquing a presentation is not important because it definitely is, but other students did not necessarily remark on the content from the book.  I am fault because I commented on the presentation when I had a chance to speak about the groups content from the reading material. 
I thought the last presentation given today was great. I think the group had a very solid foundation of the main topics of Rebooting America. They presented the material very well and I liked the examples the group used. I thought the group broke down the reading into four simple, easy to understand concepts that allowed everyone to follow easily. I think maybe that is what separated a good presentation from a not so good presentation. One main and big reason why I think this group was above and beyond other was because they were organized. The group only had four people. Does a group size matter? Do smaller groups work more efficiently? Hmm...
As the class neared the end, I think we a productive discussion about the class and what is to come. I think Merel brought up an interesting question about reading assignment and class expectations posted on the internet. I spoke about this earlier in this post and in other posts. I have said that I like how Prof. Dean takes a step back at the beginning of class and clears the air of what is to come in the next few weeks.  I like how she puts the work on the LocationF8 site and then says it in more detail at the beginning of class. 
Looking forward to learning how to put a video together!
